Another autumn week has passed. This was a busy one filled with more challenges than I can count on one hand. Being pregnant, everyday is a challenge. My hormones take me from high highs to very low lows, even within a single day. Work is a struggle, teaching is a struggle, resting is a struggle. Now that I’m taking the sewing class, my time during the week all but eludes me. I come home after class Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, change into pajamas, and veg out. But I’m glad to be learning how to sew, I’m glad that I’m teaching (though I’m looking forward to having next semester off), and I’m very glad to have full-time employment. God keeps showing me that it’s all in His hands, and in some moments, that’s all I have to keep me going.

Oh, and our animals have been making me nuts. Penny has been all out of sorts, which we think is because she’s not getting walked enough. This morning, Scooter broke the picture frame on the mantel from our wedding, and she’s been much more adventurous, scaling the closets and walking on tables. But, despite the craziness, at the end of the day, Scooter sits in my lap and Penny sits beside me, and they rest. Scooter stretches out her little body. Penny sighs heavily before drifting off to sleep. These moments make me glad to have them and sure that, though it too will be a struggle, motherhood will be worth it.