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Don’t be deceived by this face. This kitten has been known to jump in bowls of oatmeal and fling it all over the couch, lampshade, and her loved ones. She is ruthless. And hilarious.


After our morning breakfast debacle, I got in the car and began driving down the street before realizing that I had a flat tire. Thankfully, we were already planning to buy two new tires for the front of the car and I just got paid from my teaching job. Lovely timing indeed. My wonderful husband, who was hoping to have a day to relax after writing a paper all week and having to deal with my editing/revising/looking over his shoulder, took the car in and got the tires replaced.

I have not been adjusting well to the time change. I’ve woken up around 5 o’clock each morning, unable to fall back asleep. It’s also strange to return home after work with the sun having already set. I realized that it’s been three years since I had a job where I worked until 5 during daylight saving time. At least I’m not heading to work in the dark. Living closer to the equator does make the length of the days moderate year round, unlike those endless summer and short, short winter days in New York. The winter I worked full time at Barnes & Noble, I swear I didn’t see the sun except on my days off.

I have been creatively inspired lately, but with little time and energy to pursue any projects. I keep thinking about what I’ll do when I have some free time or what I’d like to pursue if someday I don’t have to work full time. In that creative vein, I enjoyed reading my internet friend Jenni‘s article on the 3191 project. The photography is lovely and inspiring, indeed.

Have a superb Friday.

Another autumn week has passed. This was a busy one filled with more challenges than I can count on one hand. Being pregnant, everyday is a challenge. My hormones take me from high highs to very low lows, even within a single day. Work is a struggle, teaching is a struggle, resting is a struggle. Now that I’m taking the sewing class, my time during the week all but eludes me. I come home after class Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, change into pajamas, and veg out. But I’m glad to be learning how to sew, I’m glad that I’m teaching (though I’m looking forward to having next semester off), and I’m very glad to have full-time employment. God keeps showing me that it’s all in His hands, and in some moments, that’s all I have to keep me going.

Oh, and our animals have been making me nuts. Penny has been all out of sorts, which we think is because she’s not getting walked enough. This morning, Scooter broke the picture frame on the mantel from our wedding, and she’s been much more adventurous, scaling the closets and walking on tables. But, despite the craziness, at the end of the day, Scooter sits in my lap and Penny sits beside me, and they rest. Scooter stretches out her little body. Penny sighs heavily before drifting off to sleep. These moments make me glad to have them and sure that, though it too will be a struggle, motherhood will be worth it.

Bye, Bye, Autumn, 2. Autumn’s Bounty, 3. Missing Autumn, 4. No, I want no autumn!, 5. pumpkins, 6. AUTUMN IN IRELAND

I know I said this before, but I am just absolutely itching for autumn. Today, I even wore a light sweater (which is fine in the cold, office airconditioning, but not great in the 85 degree heat outside). I can’t wait for October for cooler weather and my birthday, and November because my dad is coming for a visit. He just bought tickets today, so it’s official. He’ll be here for two weeks.

By the time my dad gets here, the fall semester will almost be over. I’m really enjoying my class and the university where I teach this semester. Teaching for an hour and 15 minutes is not as draining as those marathon five-hour sessions over the summer. Also, I really enjoy my class and look forward to seeing them Tuesday and Thursday nights. Their first essays are due next week — should be interesting to see what kind of writers they really are.

The kitty is growing so fast, and Penny is increasingly jealous of Adam or me giving her any attention. I keep telling Adam this is what it’ll be like when our second child is born, though I’m thinking it might be this way with our first if Penny behaves anything like this.

Tonight, we’re going out to dinner for either burgers or barbeque — we haven’t decided yet, but I’m already starving. Adam is working all weekend, so I’ll be busy cleaning the house, preparing for next week’s classes, and doing various odds and ends. Have a lovely weekend, and may visions of autumn dance in your heads.

Reading really is fundamental. This cat is hilarious.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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