I am eager for the next three weeks to be over. By then, my sewing class will be finished, the bulk of the semester and essentially all of my teaching will be complete, I will see my baby via ultrasound again (the big one!), my father will be visiting, and I’ll have a few days off for vacation and Thanksgiving. But for now, I am busy and persevering, taking comfort in what I can.

I finally finished Amazing Grace and moved on to a book on writing your birth plan. Amazing Grace was good, but it seemed to go on and on. I thumbed through Acedia & Me at Barnes & Noble, and it seems to have a bit more narrative structure, much like The Cloister Walk, so I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a copy. For now, I am knee deep in baby books, which is where I think I should be. Adam told me the other day that I’m in the info gathering phase and I keep repeating the same facts over and over to him about childbirth, daycare, etc. He a real trooper to keep listening as I yammer on about natural birth and the statistics for c-sections in the U.S. He even went with me to Victoria’s Secret to buy new bras. Aww.

Tonight, I will sew and hopefully finish my apron. I don’t know what to make next, but I feel accomplished having made something myself (and finally understanding how to use my sewing machine). I also found information on how to convert non-maternity clothes to maternity. I plan to buy some cheap items at the Salvation Army and some stretchy fabric and give it a shot. If I ever get time for it, that is. I’ll have papers to grade this weekend and I’m proofing the new issue of Relief. So, so busy.

But three more weeks, three more weeks . . .