
This morning brought me back to work after a long weekend visiting with my dad. We took many walks, including a spontaneous walking tour of downtown so my dad could take pictures with his amazing new camera (I’m jealous and want a digital SLR so badly!), went to the fall market, bought delicious food and beer (n/a for me), went to my big ultrasound and got to see Baby C again, drank too much coffee, and built several fires in our yet-to-be-used fireplace. I also spent much of my Saturday working on my next sewing project, a maternity shirt that I should finish by this weekend.

I am glad for another short week and this upcoming holiday weekend to spend with our visitor.

Yesterday, I bought a sketch pad and some drawing pencils. I’ve found myself so creatively stirred lately, and I figured it was time to revive my art. It’s a renaissance of sorts, having spent most of my childhood years drawing, taking art classes, and eventually almost majoring in art in college with plans to become a animator (an impractical choice, but one I sort of regret not taking). I have acrylics and watercolors just waiting to be used and a bunch of ideas knocking around my head.

With the many inspiring handmade crafters and artists online I have stumbled upon recently, I just can’t seem to contain my excitement about doing something creative. Honestly, I want to be one of them, though I’m not sure yet how I will accomplish this. All I know is that I plan to pursue art in whatever capacity I can and continue to pray that God will show me his will in all of it. And that he would give me patience. I definitely need a healthy dose.