
Drinking hot chocolate has become an afternoon work ritual, something I can rely on to help order my day. It’s warm outside but chilly in the office. I decided I’d really like some long fingerless mittens (like leg warmers for your arms), something akin to this, though I’m pretty sure we don’t have money to spend on something so superfluous. Perhaps it could be a Christmas gift.

At Barnes & Noble last night, over a decaf coffee, I thumbed through Lotta Jansdotter’s Lotta Prints and found plenty of inspiration to swirl through my mind. Even as I lay down to sleep I was putting together a plan, something I feel I can accomplish in the next few months without much expense.

After tonight, I have two more meetings with my class. I will miss teaching next semester, but I’m ready for a break.

I’m trying to be a bit more intentional about slowing down and keeping things simple. Especially with the baby on the way, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy. Being undercommitted this spring will certainly help — in the domestic sphere as well as the spiritual one.